“Now Monaberry has the freshly picked taste of fresh hits. Have you ever wondered why a piece of music tastes so incredibly good when it’s just been picked, and completely different the next day? At Monaberry, we figured if we could ever figure it out, we could bring you that fresh-picked taste in Monaberry tracks anytime. Together with Tom Zeta, we found a way. It’s called Sa Ca La. Now Monaberry tastes like a freshly picked hit. But even before you hear it, you’ll notice this massive boys be kko remix. The bass is richer when you get it straight from the store. So now, along with other Monaberry releases, there’s something else that can give you that freshly picked taste of a dancefloor hit.”
BUY https://www.beatport.com/release/sa-ca-la-ep/3727063